SPOTLIGHT: Cyphercast IP Security

Secure, Addressable IP Multicast Conditional Access
30 octobre 2017 par
SPOTLIGHT: Cyphercast IP Security
International Datacasting Corporation
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Cyphercast is one of IDC’s little-known gems—this software-based solution previously offered only integrated into hardware, is now available as a stand-alone software application providing a conditional access system (CAS) to secure IP multicast transmissions. The Cyphercast CAS system enables content tiering and full subscriber management addressability. Decryption keys are stored in smart cards under RSA lock & key. Cyphercast provides for multicast IP distributions, everything traditional conditional access systems do for DTH service providers…only better.

Conditional access with Cyphercast protects the customer’s business by securing content and revenue streams.

Top tier content providers—in media and entertainment as well as enterprise and government customers—have used or are using Cyphercast to protect files and streams.

Cyphercast is ideal for encrypting and decrypting IP multicast streams in broadcast DVB-T/S/C applications as well as on VSAT and ATSC platforms. Cyphercast operates on dedicated or virtualized servers, workstations, laptops, 4G/5G smartphones, tablets and set-top-boxes using Android, Linux or Microsoft Windows operating systems.

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SPOTLIGHT: Cyphercast IP Security
International Datacasting Corporation 30 octobre 2017
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